Bones and the Lost Art of Walking

Reblogging this because I can’t find it on my main site. Hmmmm…..

Season Six(ty)

51muyUbo8fL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_The Last Great Walk by Wayne Curtis is the true story of seventy year old Edward Payson Weston who walked from New York to San Francisco. The year was 1909, when walking was a competitive sport and pedestrianism, taking long walks, was becoming less fashionable.  That new moving machine called the automobile quickly supplanted the more natural form of travel by foot. The age of travel ease was here to stay, insuring the lost art of walking for the American culture.

Award winning journalist Curtis (contributing editor for The Atlantic magazine) seamlessly blends the remarkable story of Weston’s foot travels with the science, sociology, history, and psychology of walking. While chronicling Weston’s walks and providing substantial background research, Curtis hooked me in with perspectives I hadn’t considered.

“By the early twentieth century American had more or less decided to stop walking. . . a form of mobility that had for millennia…

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