Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers

Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers (inspired by University of California Davis Integrative Medicine Menu Book)

Looking for a lighter selection for your meal planning? In between heavy holiday meals and cookie laden Christmas parties, you can pace yourself with a nod to vegetables, whole grains, and fruit. This recipe yields four half stuffed peppers; I ate two halves for dinner and froze the other two. Pair with fresh fruit.


I switched up a few ingredients from the original recipe to suit my personal preferences. One time I made these with leftover hash browns (leaving out the sweet potato) instead of rice and they were just as tasty. I’ve also used spinach instead of kale since that’s what I had on hand.


2 red, green, or yellow peppers, halved longways, pulp and seeds removed

3/4 cup vegetable stock

1/2 large yellow onion, diced

1/4 cup marinated artichoke hearts, diced

1 sweet potato, cooked and diced

1 cup of kale or spinach, chopped

2 cups of cooked brown rice


worcestershire sauce


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a small cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Heat a skillet on medium. I use a large enamel cast iron pan. Splash some vegetable stock in the pan of your choice. Add onions and cook until softened. Add splashes of stock as needed so onions don’t stick.
  3. Add artichoke hearts, remaining vegetable stock, cooked rice, sweet potatoes, and kale. Cook and stir occasionally until kale is wilted.
  4. Season with pepper and 3 splashes of worcestershire sauce.
  5. Fill halved pepper cups.
  6. Place on cookie sheet. Bake for twenty minutes.


Aren’t they pretty on this plate? My daughter picked out this classic ivy pattern for me several years ago for Christmas? my birthday? (can’t remember) and I use them everyday.





9 thoughts on “Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers

  1. Looks delicious! I love the pattern on the plate too! I’ve been trying to eat more veggies. So, I like to find new inspiration. Blessing to you.


    1. These are so delicious! Tonight I made apple pancakes and topped them with homemade applesauce.
      The nice thing about being retired is time to cook from scratch. I would love to get a support group for healthy eating online with comments on my blog. I think that’s helpful to encourage one another. But I don’t seem to get any momentum. It’s still fun to do.


  2. Looks delicious. I may have to invite myself over to enjoy these with you!
    Where does one purchase marinated artichokes?


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